Connecting you to organizations that may help guide your journey

We’re dedicated to helping our clients develop deeper understandings of themselves and the various situations they face – both at home and in their social environments.
Focusing on plain language, clear imagery and easily understood communication, our resources can be a valuable set of tools for helping clients be better prepared for events and activities that may previously have caused stress, anxiety, or reluctance.
Richmond Area Community Services Boards
Developmental Disability Services for County residents, including services coordination.
Chesterfield County CSB
Services for Chesterfield County residents.
District 19 CSB
Services Coordination for residents citizens of the cities of Colonial Heights, Emporia, Hopewell, and Petersburg, and the counties of Dinwiddie, Greensville, Prince George, Surry, and Sussex.
Richmond Area Services
Autism Society Central VA (ASCV)
ASCV provides services, advocacy, and support to improve the lives of all affected by autism by maximizing self-sufficiency, independence, and quality of life.
CHoR AT Program
Children’s Hospital of Richmond’s Assistive Technology (AT) Program is one of few comprehensive AT programs in Central Virginia. The program provides AT evaluations, equipment and training to people of all ages, enabling children and adults with disabilities to function more independently.
Richmond ARC
ARC promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
Richmond Behavioral Health Authority
The Richmond BHA provides Developmental Disability Services for Richmond City residents, including services coordination.
VCU Autism Center for Excellence (VCU-ACE)
VCU Autism Center for Excellence (VCU-ACE) improves services and supports for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) by promoting the implementation of research-based practices in schools and the community through training, technical assistance, research, and collaboration.
Virginia Area Services
VA Board for People with Disabilities (VBPD)
VBPD works to promote and guide public policy changes and create opportunities for new approaches in our service delivery systems.
Virginia DARS
Employment services and resources for individuals with disabilities.
Virginia Tash
Virginia TASH aims to unite individuals from across the Commonwealth who believe in the dream that people who experience significant disabilities can become valued, contributing members of their schools and communities.
We know that supporting a person with complex needs is not easy. We are non-judgmental and want to partner with you to help make life easier for everyone.
The Branches Team
Printable Items
1-5 Behavior Scale
A chart that helps you identify your emotions ranging from happy to out of control.
First Day of School
A social narrative to help you say goodbye to summer and hello to a new school year.
Human Rights Book
An easily understandable guide to understanding your own basic human rights.
My Life Book
A planning guide to help you plan your life based on your interests, hopes and dreams.
Thunderstorm Story
Our most popular social narrative helps you feel better when there is a thunderstorm.
Still can’t find what you’re looking for?
Send us a message and we would be happy to help.