Hey, Ainsley here!

Though I would love to be Oprah and gift everyone with a new car (or should I say job since it’s our specialty ?), I will instead bestow upon you some advice on…


Communicate! Whether you’re leaving one job to start another or if you’re just entering the employment world, this is a time of transition. You don’t want to leave them hanging just because you’ve accepted the position. Reach out to your new employer frequently! Not only will you build a professional reputation, but it’ll keep your name fresh in their minds.

Ask and Review! Talk to your employer about ways to be prepared. Are there any training materials you can study before your first day? There may or may not be and that’s okay. By inquiring, you are making an impression that you are enthusiastic about learning and ready to do what it takes to advance.

Get Your Life Together! Which can also be known as personal organization. Once you start working full time, it’ll be important to take time in advance to get all the small things in order. Deep clean your house/apartment, grocery shop and plan your meals, do laundry, pay bills, etc. Trust me, you’ll want to do this! This way you’ll be prepared and won’t be overwhelmed with work and personal life.

Celebrate and Rejuvenate! Starting a new job is fun and exciting, but before you dive in, set aside some time to fuel up! Visit with friends and family, take a trip, binge watch a show on Netflix, or just relax. It may be a while before you can/will take any time off. Thanks for reading!