We work for adults who experience disabilities – supporting them to solve problems
We fight for our clients because we believe so strongly in the right to live independent lives.

We opened Branches of Life in 2013 to address the transition gap between school services and research-based adult services for people who experience disabilities.
We expanded our services to include Community Engagement Services, Group Day Services, Consultation Services and Employment Services, and now specialize exclusively in Consultation services in the form of Positive Behavior Support (PBS) and Work Incentive Specialist Advocacy (WISA).
We believe in smart conversation spoken in plain language, with room for everyone’s perspectives. At the end of the day, it’s our unwavering belief in strength, ability, and sense of self that makes us truly different from traditional adult services – something we’re confident you’ll realize the first time you walk through our front door.

Our Mission
Branches Of Life works to deliver intentional, person-centered services to people with intellectual disabilities and autism to aid in the pursuit of meaningful and purposeful life experiences. We educate and support the individual, their caregivers, their families, and the community to eliminate disability-based discrimination.
Our Vision
Our hope is to work from inside the current system to improve industry standards through the demonstration of intelligent kindness and highly skilled services that result in high levels of satisfaction for the teams that we work for.

Our Guiding Principals
All people are equal & will be treated with dignity & respect. Choices will be provided and honored. Every person is a contributing member of Branches of Life and has a voice.

Making decisions & managing personal funds is a human right. Supported decision-making will be practiced to help our clients achieve their personal goals.
Variety is the spice of life. All individuals deserve to participate in new social and cultural experiences in order to expand their world-view.
People have the right to freedom from discrimination. We will model our beliefs through education, community experiences and opportunities for modeling and socializing with the world around us.
All people have the ability to be employed.
All people can participate fully in their community. We will give back to our community through volunteering and other social pursuits.
We will help build full & rich lives. We respect the right to privacy; believe in access to good food, entertainment, opportunities for learning and the development of meaningful personal relationships.
Our services are research based. Strategies, research, assessment, and best practices will be continuously investigated and implemented to ensure that we are providing the best services to our clientele.
All people can learn. Even the gain of one part of one skill is a step toward independence.
The fastest way is not always the best way. Everything that we do is meaningful and has a purpose. We will always take the opportunity to allow a person to learn rather than doing it for them to save time.
Still can’t find what you’re looking for?
Send us a message and we would be happy to help.